Why Do I Feel Empty?

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Do you ever look at your life and wonder, is this all there is?

Most people have a feeling of emptiness inside at times in their life. Why do we feel this way? Is our mind or body trying to tell us something that we need to pay attention to?

I’m sure you have felt this hunger before. You may even have this feeling of emptiness right now—but you might be so used to it that you don’t even notice it.

It is similar to your hunger for food, but it can’t be satisfied by eating. It is a yearning for something you’re missing—a strange feeling of emptiness.

When you’re all alone, wondering if anyone really loves you, the emptiness is there.

When you don’t know what you should do with your life, the emptiness is there.

When you’re bored and have nothing to do, the emptiness is there.

When you’re feeling like a failure, the emptiness is there.

You know you want something, but you don’t know what it is. So you try to find something to fill the emptiness.


You might confuse this empty feeling with unhappiness, so you try to have fun. You listen to music, watch videos, or play games. It seems to help the boredom, but it only distracts you from the emptiness.

If you try to fill the emptiness with food, it doesn’t go away. If you try to fill the emptiness with alcohol and drugs the emptiness only grows. If you try to fill it with adventure or passionate pleasures, the emptiness still grows.

Whatever pleasure you pursue, it is always passing. Within a few minutes or a few hours, the pleasure has passed, and you feel empty again.


Since pleasure doesn’t satisfy your hunger, you might turn to possessions. You buy stuff to fill the emptiness. You buy toys and gadgets, motorcycles and cars. You fill your house with stuff, but you are still empty. Your treasures grow old. Your excitement wears off. You always want something bigger, better, and newer.

Not everyone is a spender. perhaps you prefer to pile up money. So you work and invest to make money. But no matter how much you make, it’s never enough. You’re still empty inside.


Since the feeling of emptiness is strong when you’re lonely, you think that you’ll feel better if you can get everyone to like you and look up to you. So you pursue popularity. You try to make friends. You find a group and you try to fit in. You try to look your best. You try to impress.

If you play the popularity game well, people might praise you for your looks, for your intelligence, for your skill, or for your virtue. It might feel good for a while, but you always want more. When you compare yourself to others, there is always someone smarter, faster, prettier, or more popular than you. And you are still empty.

The hunger you feel—the emptiness, the quiet yearning for something more—it is a real hunger. It is a hunger for something you are missing. It is a hunger for something you need.

This need cannot be satisfied with pleasure, possessions, or popularity.

There is only one way to satisfy this hunger. Watch the next video to learn the only way you can fill the emptiness inside.

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