Was the Queen's 70-Year Reign Mentioned in Bible Prophecy?
An obscure end-time prophecy mentions 70 years as the days of one monarch. Could this prophecy be about the 70-year reign of Queen Elizabeth? If so, what does it mean?
September 9, 2022
Queen Elizabeth II in 2015 source
Queen Elizabeth II died on 8 September 2022 after a 70-year reign. She was the longest-reigning monarch in history whose reign can be verified by exact dates.
An end-time Bible prophecy mentions a monarch who days would be “70 years.” Could this refer to the queen?
Let’s take a look.
Isaiah’s Vision of the Future
In Isaiah chapter 23, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah recorded a vision about the ancient city of Tyre. This vision describes the destruction of Tyre, and it’s revival after 70 years.
That, by itself, may not be very interesting. However, there are several elements in this prophecy that show that it is actually an end-time prophecy, foretelling the rise of a world-ruling empire that will appear shortly before the end of the age.
How do we know?
Notice Isaiah 23:17:
“It will happen after the end of seventy years that the LORD will look on Tyre, and she shall return to her wages, and will play the prostitute with all the kingdoms of the world on the face of the earth.”
What is this city that will act as a prostitute with every nation on earth?
“Babylon the Great”
If you are familiar with the prophetic book of Revelation you will recognize that the exact same thing is said of an end-time city called “Babylon.”
Notice Revelation 17:1-2:
… “Come here. I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality ; and those who dwell in the earth were made drunken with the wine of her sexual immorality.”
In the book of Revelation, this “woman” represents a political, economic, and religious power that will come to dominate the world right before the return of Jesus Christ. Like a prostitute, this end-time power will inter into intimate relationships with all of the nations of the world, for her own economic interests—but she will not act faithfully with them.
The prophecy in Isaiah tells when this “woman” will begin to make these agreements with the nations of the world:
It will come to pass in that day that Tyre will be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king. After the end of seventy years it will be to Tyre like in the song of the prostitute. Take a harp; go about the city, you prostitute that has been forgotten. Make sweet melody. Sing many songs, that you may be remembered. (Isaiah 23:15-16)
According to this prophecy, this nation was once one of the greatest powers in the world, but will be forgotten for 70 years, according to the days of one king.
Who is This “King”?
Obviously Queen Elizabeth II was a queen, not a king. However, the Hebrew word translated king can refer to any kind of national leader. So it is possible that the “days of one king” in this prophecy refers to the reign of Elizabeth.
Another reason to suspect that this prophecy is about to be fulfilled is that in 2022 Germany has now been forgotten for 70 years.
Other end-time prophecies identify Germany as the country that will lead the world at the end. After Germany was destroyed in World War II, the nations that won the war wanted to make it impossible for Germany to ever rise again. The United States continue to dismantle Germany’s industry until 1951. In 1952 Germany became part of the European Coal and Steel Community, which was designed to make a European war impossible, and people stopped worrying about Germany ruling the world.
Today, 70 years after the German threat was forgotten, Germany is once again the leading country in Europe.
Are we approaching the end of the age? Will Germany try to rule the world again?
Join the Bible Prophecy Challenge below to learn about the prophecies that foretell Germany’s role in end-time events, and the exact day that Germany is prophesied to begin to rise.
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