The Real Story of Jesus

Who was Jesus? What did he teach? Why is he so famous? What can you learn from him?

Common questions about Jesus:

Here is the story of Jesus, told by his disciple Matthew:

  1. The real story of Jesus’s birth (Matthew 1:1-2:23)
  2. What did Jesus do before He started preaching? (Matthew 3:1-4:11)
  3. What is the good news that Jesus taught? (Matthew 4:12-25)
  4. How did Jesus “fulfill the law”? (Matthew 5:1-37)
  5. What did Jesus say about love? (Matthew 5:38-48)
  6. What did Jesus say about prayer? (Matthew 6:1-18)
  7. What did Jesus say about money? (Matthew 6:19-34)
  8. What did Jesus say about judging others? (Matthew 7)
  9. What miracles did Jesus perform? (Matthew 8-9)
  10. The 12 disciples (Matthew 10-11)
  11. What did Jesus say about the Sabbath? (Matthew 12:1-14)
  12. What sign did Jesus give to prove who He was? (Matthew 12:15-50)
  13. Why did Jesus speak in parables? (Matthew 13)
  14. What is faith? (Matthew 14)
  15. Did Jesus eat pork? (Matthew 15)
  16. What does it mean to “carry your cross”? (Matthew 16)
  17. A vision of the future (Matthew 17)
  18. What did Jesus say about forgiveness? (Matthew 18)
  19. What did Jesus say about marriage and divorce? (Matthew 19)
  20. What is the reward for following Jesus? (Matthew 20)
  21. Why did people want to kill Jesus? (Matthew 21)
  22. What did Jesus argue with the leaders about? (Matthew 22)
  23. Why did Jesus criticized the leaders? (Matthew 23)
  24. What did Jesus say about the future? (Matthew 24)
  25. How to enter God’s Kingdom (Matthew 25)
  26. The last Passover (Matthew 26)
  27. Who killed Jesus? (Matthew 27)
  28. Did Jesus live again? (Matthew 28)

Other questions about Jesus: