Who Created God?

Some people ask, if God created the universe, who created God?

We know from experience that physical things have a beginning. So all physical things must have a beginning.

But the Bible says God is not physical. God is spirit (John 4:24).

We, as physical human beings, cannot see, smell, taste, touch, or smell spiritual things. The only way we can know about and understand spiritual things if someone who who is spirit tells us what the spirit world is like.

The Bible claims that God has revealed that He has no beginning. Who are we to argue about spiritual things which we know nothing about? If there is indeed a spiritual world that we know nothing about, then it would be foolish for us to think that it must be just like the physical world we see.

Science cannot tell us anything about spiritual things, so science cannot tell us that God does not exist. But we do know that our physical universe could not have come from nothing. So it is perfectly reasonable to believe that some power beyond the universe caused the universe to suddenly come into existence.